The 61st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry in the Official Records
The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, which is more commonly known as the "Official Records" or the "OR", was originally printed by the Federal Government around 1884. Its 128 volumes contain orders, officers' battle reports, casualty statistics and other documentary information about the Civil War.
Listed below are links to battle reports which are relevant to the history of the 61st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. In some, the regiment is specifically mentioned; in others it is only to be seen in the mirror of its brigade. Unfortunately, there are only two reports which were actually authored by members of the regiment itself. The high mortality rate of its officer ranks undoubtedly contributed to this under representation in the written record.
The "Overland" Campaign - May 4th thru July 2nd, 1864 (Series I, Volume 36)
Battles of Opequon Creek, or Winchester, and Fisher's Hill (Series I, Volume 43)
Transcribed and edited by: Rich Walsh